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In the bustling town of Fairview, there lived a stereotypical insurance salesman named Robert. He was the epitome of the cliché, dressed in a tailored suit and armed with a briefcase filled with policies. Robert had perfected the art of persuasion, using a combination of charisma and relentless determination to close deals.

His reputation preceded him, and people would often roll their eyes at the mere mention of his name. They anticipated his arrival like an approaching storm, ready to deflect his sales pitch with practiced indifference.

One day, as Robert walked down Main Street, he noticed a small bookstore tucked away between towering buildings. Curiosity piqued, he stepped inside. The store exuded a cozy charm, and the scent of old books hung in the air.

Robert’s eyes fell upon the bookstore owner, a reserved woman named Margaret. Sensing an opportunity, he approached her with a smile, eager to share the benefits of business insurance. But Margaret, a staunch advocate of independent living, raised her hand, signaling his halt.

“With a tinge of weariness in her voice, Margaret looked Robert in the eyes and sternly exclaimed…”I’ve heard it ALL before” 

{Story…to be continued…}


That story that I just shared is what many have experienced with salesmen, especially in the insurance field.  They may see you as a means to their end, a commission check!  Yes, the story is a little exaggerated purposely, but what are the red flags to look for when you are seeking out an insurance agent?

Let’s jump right in and discuss the “6 Red Flags to Look for When Choosing an Insurance Agent”, and after we see those red flags, let’s look at the various signs that you are working with a good agent!


6 Red Flags to Look For When Choosing an Insurance Agent:

1. Generally Sell Only a Few Types of Products. A one trick pony!

If you are a hammer, “everything looks like a nail!” They seem “scripted” to the point that no matter what direction the conversation goes, it circles back to “pitch” that is so well rehearsed.

2. They may try to impress you with external trappings of success (Car, Clothes, Watch…)

Why is this a red flag? Because they are focused on how they look. “Dress to impress” syndrome and that means your “sale” will increase their “luxury” and feed their higher consumption of financial needs. Flash and pizazz should be a very early warning sign to move on to the next insurance agent.

3. They are negative about the competition. They are the only ones who can solve your problem.

The quick answers along with negative communication/comments when you bring up questions about other insurance companies or agents should be an initial red-flag!  It is not that they ought to compliment all the other companies, but a continually “dissing” of other products and people ought to cause one to question the motives of the agent!

4. They may use high pressure sales tactics.

Often, unethical insurance agents will choose to use emotional tactics to say that if you don’t buy this now, you WILL regret it later!! 

They use emotions to pressure a decision without allowing the customer time to think about it…talk to others about it…pray about it…or compare their product and price with others out there. 

5. They may discourage questions and debate. 

They may not be concerned that you fully understand the insurance product.  

6. Poor communication. 

If during the sales process you feel like the communication flow is lacking, this may be an indicator that you will have even worse communication and poor service during the lifetime of the service/product/policy.


Signs that you may be working with a good insurance agent!

1. They are a good listener They don’t just talk to (or at you), but they listen well and they are processing what you are saying (you can see that their “wheels are turning” on your behalf). This is CRITICAL!  You want them to not just sell you a product, but know WHY you are needing their product and they can articulate well back to you what you are communicating to them!  

2. They offer a range of solutions – They are a problem solver for you. They process the issue and work toward a solution that meets your needs (not their needs).

3. They have the heart of a teacher – This to me (drew) is the most important one on our list! They don’t want to just sell you something. They are more concerned that you truly understand the process and the rationale of the product and/or service, than they are to pressure you into an emotionally-driven purchase. 

4. They welcome your questions! –  This one ties into the “heart of a teacher”.  The agent makes it clear to you that there are “no stupid questions!”

5. They have a good reputation within their business field and also community.

6. There is a strong mutual respect between you, your spouse, and the agent. 

They respect you and your spouse through the whole process. You both respect the insurance agent through your interactions and communications.  If your spouse gets the “heebie jeebies”, you should pay attention to their skeptical feelings! Either ask more questions of the agent, or look elsewhere. 

7. They are willing to give references upon request. This is important!  Knowing that they have other clients that are willing to give a reference is important.  Not that this solves all issues, but a simple phone call or email to that person/persons can help you seal the deal, or have you consider looking elsewhere.

8. They respect your need to think and pray over a decision. They even encourage you to talk with each other and to others before making a commitment. 

Philippians 4:6–7Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.


Stewardship Application

{intro story, continued}

Margaret, a staunch advocate of independent living, raised her hand, signaling his halt.

“I’ve heard it all before,” she said, her voice tinged with weariness. “Insurance is just another burden.”

Robert, undeterred, sat down at a nearby chair. Instead of launching into his rehearsed pitch, he listened. Margaret shared stories of her struggles as a small business owner, her fears, and her dreams. She spoke of her love for the bookstore and her customers, and how every day was a battle to keep her passion alive.

Moved by her vulnerability, Robert’s perspective shifted. He realized that he had been so focused on selling policies that he had forgotten the importance of understanding and connecting with people.

Over the following weeks, Robert became a regular customer at Margaret’s bookstore. They discussed literature, life, faith, and everything in between. Slowly, a genuine friendship blossomed.

One stormy afternoon, as Robert sipped a cup of tea at Margaret’s bookstore, she turned to him and said, “You know, Robert, maybe insurance isn’t all bad. If it can protect my life’s work and give me peace of mind, I might reconsider.”

Robert smiled, knowing that he had accomplished something far greater than a sale. Through genuine connection, listening and heart-felt empathy, he had shattered the stereotype of the pushy insurance salesman and forged a true friendship.

From that day forward, Robert’s approach changed. He no longer saw people as potential sales, but as individuals with unique stories and needs. He dedicated himself to guiding them through the complexities of insurance, offering genuine advice and tailored solutions.

Word spread of Robert’s transformation. Soon, people sought him out, not just for insurance, but for his understanding and integrity. He had become a symbol of trust, breaking the mold of the stereotypical insurance agent, one genuine connection at a time.


Next Steps


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The topics discussed in this podcast are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific investment advice or recommendations.  Investing and investment strategies involve risk including the potential loss of principal. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.

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