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Excerpt from Tim’s forthcoming book The Good Steward


While the obvious truth is that we give to honor God, unfortunately, there are many misconceptions and ulterior motives when it comes to giving, and we’d like to address those right now. As you read, examine the condition of your heart, and see if you have been believing any of these misconceptions. Here are 5 misconceptions about giving:

Misconception 1: Give to Earn Favor with God

As a Christian, there is no amount of money you could give that would make God love you more than He already does. You are loved and accepted by God just as you are. You can’t give your way into Heaven (Eph. 2:8-9 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast NIV84).

That being said, not giving could be a sign that you love your money more than God. 

The truth: God’s love for you is not based upon your giving. 


Misconception 2: Give to Get Rich

The Bible clearly teaches that there is a connection between our giving and God’s blessing. We have already looked at a few of these passages. How does that connection between generosity and blessing work? If I want a promotion or a new Rolls Royce, can I just give a large donation to the church, or some TV “evangelist” and God will give me what I want? 

The passages in the Bible that show a connection between giving and blessing are real promises. The catch is that we have no say over the timing and manner of how God chooses to distribute His blessings. It may or may not be in this life, but it certainly will be in the life to come. 

God is not a cosmic vending machine! He doesn’t operate that way. We can’t manipulate Him—there’s no magic combination of money and button pushing to try to get what you want.

The truth: We don’t give to manipulate God, and we don’t give because we expect something in return.


Misconception 3: Give to Avoid Punishment

Another misconception is that God is a police officer in the sky, watching and monitoring how much every person is giving. God is not waiting around for someone to give less than a certain percentage so He can punish them. 

In Jesus’ day, the Pharisees were known for being so eager to keep the law that they would tithe on tiny gleanings, like spices. Attention to detail is a good thing to a point, but we shouldn’t spend so much time tracking our giving that we neglect the more important spiritual “matters of the law: justice and mercy and faithfulness” (Matthew 23:23).

The truth: We serve a God who is loving and full of grace. We don’t give out of fear of punishment. 


Misconception 4: Give to Atone for Our Sin

If you have a guilty conscience, you can’t give your way out of trouble. Giving does not undo wrong choices. If you have sinned against God, there is no grand gesture of giving that will appease Him. Consider King David’s prayer in Psalm 51:16–17, “For you will not delight in sacrifice, or I would give it; you will not be pleased with a burnt offering. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.”   

The truth: Tithing does not atone for sin. Repentance and turning to God is what He requires. 


Misconception 5: Small Gifts Don’t Matter 

Some feel that since they don’t make much money, they don’t need to give. After all, 10 percent of nothing is nothing, right? When Jesus was at the Temple, he observed rich people making a grand spectacle of their great gifts. Then there was a poor widow who put in two coins that were hardly worth counting compared to the other gifts. Jesus remarks that she gave more than the others because she gave out of her poverty, while they gave out of their wealth (Mark 12:41-44). The widow’s gift was great not because of its size, but because of the faith and love that the gift represents. Her reward will be significant in heaven!

The truth: Small gifts are significant to God because of the faith and love that those gifts represent.



Next Steps


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